Saturday, October 21, 2006

Ahh.. Its a Saturday...
Relax people. RELAX...
We got back all our dratted papers. Sulked at our marks (and for some, jumped with exhilaration over our marks). Added more marks (or minused more marks). Played with cards. And chilled the hell outta ourselves.
So, now is the time to make DECISIONS.
To drop or not to drop, that is the question.
For those smart-asses (this being a huge compliment) you dun need to worry.
For others like me.. we gotta make a decision...
So think CAREFULLY. Don't make decisions only to regret later. Don't make rash decisions either.
Anyways, I just wanted to rattle about how bloody sodding short our holidays are.
Extended Studies? Pish Posh.
Other schools don't have 'em.

Warriors from Heaven wrote on 4:18 pm.